RL360's strong location for international finance

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Welcome to RL360's

dedicated financial adviser website

For financial advisers only

Not to be distributed to, or relied on by, retail clients

A strong case for our location

After taking a good 360 look around, we chose to base ourselves on the Isle of Man. It's the right location because it gives our company, our products, and our clients some tough layers of protection that others can only envy.

Protection against regional risk

The Isle of Man enjoys exceptional political and economic stability. In fact, it has the longest unbroken democratic parliament in the world. Centrally placed in the middle of the British Isles, it also benefits from easy physical access and high quality digital communications. 


Critically, the Isle of Man enacts its own legislation, direct taxation and fiscal policies independent of the UK. This means there is no tax liability on income and capital gains arising from the investments of exempt insurance companies on the island. So, apart from any withholding tax deducted at source on income from assets held in some countries, investments grow without any further deductions of tax. 


With an impressive sovereign rating from Moody’s of Aa3 (as at October 2020), the Isle of Man has also been recognised by the IMF as a well-regulated offshore finance centre. 


It’s small wonder, then, that this small island now “leads the world as the number one choice for offshore life insurance in the world” (source: www.gov.im). 


All of which explains why, after taking a good 360 look around, we settled on the Isle of Man. Where we continue using our many natural advantages to protect your interests.


Protection for investors

Our policyholders are protected by the Isle of Man Compensation of Policyholders protection scheme which is an amount up to 90% (subject to the provisions of the scheme) of RL360's liability where it is unable to meet its financial obligations.


Important notes

All information is based on our understanding of Isle of Man legislation and HM Revenue and Customs law and practice as at February 2014. While every care has been taken, we cannot accept responsibility for its interpretation or any subsequent changes.