Plug into a supercharged service
Access valuations, deal and switch online, research funds and keep up-to-date with all your clients plans in our new supercharged Online Service Centre.
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As a busy financial adviser, always on the move, keeping in touch by mobile, laptop or tablet (or all 3!), having constant access to relevant and always up-to-date information is a necessity.
Whether you want to research funds, prepare valuations for your clients, send in Regular Savings Plan applications online, carry out switches and deals or produce an illustration, everything is available at the click of a few buttons in our password-protected "Online Service Centre". Wherever you may be, whenever you want it.
With different levels of access, master users have full control over what information their staff can view. Master users can set up new users (and delete them) and choose exactly what access rights each user has. The system is totally flexible and accommodates different business structures. And you can change and update the structure whenever, and however, you want.
And whats more, your clients with an RL360 plan can register too, enabling them to view valuations and plan information.
So if you have Terms of Business with us, register for our Online Service Centre. And start receiving a supercharged online service today.