RL360 Offshore Kudos funds: Fund updates


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RL360 Kudos - Fund updates

Fund updates

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Fund name changes - Threadneedle UK OEIC fund names - Published: 01 Jun 2022

Effective 1 July 2022, Threadneedle UK OEIC fund names will be amended to more closely reflect the Columbia Threadneedle brand. The Threadneedle prefix in each fund name will be replaced with 'CT'.

Change to benchmark index of BGF Latin American Fund - Published: 30 May 2022

We have been informed by BlackRock Global Funds that it will be making a change the benchmark index of the BGP Latin American Fund on 29 June 2022.

Fund suspension - Janus Henderson UK Property PAIF - Published: 09 Mar 2022

Janus Henderson has announced that with effect from the 12-noon valuation point on 3 March 2022 the Janus Henderson UK Property PAIF (the "Fund") has been suspended.

Various changes – Schroder ISF Funds - Published: 26 Aug 2021

Schroder International Selection Fund has announced various changes to its fund range which will take effect 3 September 2021.

Various changes - Invesco Funds - Published: 25 Aug 2021

Invesco has announced various changes to its fund range which will take effect between September and October 2021.

End of suspension - Janus Henderson UK Property PAIF - Published: 08 Feb 2021

Janus Henderson Investors has announced it will lift the trading suspension on the Janus Henderson UK Property PAIF on 24 February 2021. At this point subscriptions and redemptions will once again be accepted.

Fund suspension - Janus Henderson UK Property PAIF - Published: 19 Mar 2020

Janus Henderson Investors has announced the suspension of all dealing activity on the Janus Henderson UK Property PAIF with effect from 12 noon on 16 March 2020 until further notice. This is due to uncertainty around the valuation of UK physical properties across the market due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Fund removals that affect Kudos - Published: 26 Nov 2019

Following a review, RL360 are removing two funds from the Kudos range.

Various changes - Fidelity Investment Funds - Published: 09 Sep 2019

Fidelity has made a number of changes to its Fidelity Investment Fund ranges to make it easier for investors to understand how the funds are managed. The N share classes have also been renamed to W. The changes took effect 30 August 2019.

Clarification of investment objective - M&G Recovery fund - Published: 04 Feb 2019

Effective 1 March 2019, the investment objective and policy of the M&G Recovery fund will be changed in order to provide clarification.

Fund mergers - Fidelity Multi Asset funds - Published: 21 Jan 2019

Fidelity has advised of their intention to merge the assets of the Fidelity Multi Asset Defensive, Strategic and Growth funds and the Fidelity Wealthbuilder fund into equivalent funds in the Fidelity Multi Asset Open fund range, effective in three tranches in February and March 2019.

Fund mergers and share class transfers - Columbia Threadneedle UK domiciled funds - Published: 26 Oct 2018

Between September and December 2018 Columbia Threadneedle will be transferring EU customer assets from its UK fund range to its Luxembourg fund range. This is to ensure that its EU-based investors remain invested in funds that have a UCITS status, because Columbia Threadneedle believe it is likely that when the UK leaves the European Union UK domiciled funds will lose this status.

Change of brand - Invesco Perpetual - Published: 17 Sep 2018

Invesco Perpetual will move to a unified brand across the globe - Invesco - with effect 1 October 2018. This will affect its UK ICVC range, which will see the removal of 'Perpetual' from fund names and branding. ISINs and Sedols will remain unchanged. This impacts our guided-architecture products Oracle, Paragon, Quantum, Quantum Malaysia, LifePlan, Protected Lifestyle, Preference and Kudos.

Fund mergers - Invesco Irish domicile to Luxembourg domicile - Published: 11 Sep 2018

In order to streamline its UCITS range of funds, during September and October 2018 Invesco will merge a number of Irish domicile funds into its Luxembourg range, then close down the Irish funds. The mergers affect our guided architecture products Oracle, Paragon, Quantum, Quantum Malaysia, LifePlan, Protected Lifestyle, Preference and Kudos.

Fund Name Changes - Henderson and Janus Global Fund Ranges - Published: 20 Oct 2017

As a result of the recent merger of fund management companies Henderson and Janus, with effect from 15 December 2017 fund names will be updated with the new pre-fix “Janus Henderson”. This will encompass funds under the following umbrella structures; Henderson OEIC, Henderson Horizon Fund, Henderson Gartmore Fund and Janus Capital Funds.

Dealing Resumption - Henderson UK Property Fund - Published: 27 Sep 2016

We have received a notification from Henderson Global Investors informing us that with effect from 12 noon on 14 October 2016, all dealing activity in the Henderson UK Property fund will resume as the suspension will be lifted.

Fund Suspension - Henderson UK Property Fund - Published: 28 Jul 2016

Henderson Global Investors have informed us that with effect from 12 noon on 5 July 2016, all dealing activity in the Henderson UK Property Fund has been suspended until further notice.

Fund Name Changes - from First State to Stewart Investors - Published: 02 Dec 2015

First State Investments has changed the structure of the First State Stewart (FSS) investment management team. These changes will split the FSS into two teams; one primarily based in Hong Kong and the other in Edinburgh. The changes mean some of the First State funds have changed name to Stewart Investors. The changes affect our guided-architecture product Kudos.

Fund Merger - Blackrock UK Dynamic Fund - Published: 11 Oct 2013

Blackrock have merged their Blackrock UK Dynamic fund into the Blackrock UK fund. The merger affects the following closed product: Kudos. Policyholders have been written to about the merger. Click on this story for the full details and to view sample policyholder letters.

Fund merger - JPM US Dynamic Fund - Published: 24 Apr 2013

On 31 May 2013 the JPM US Dynamic fund will merge with the JPM US Dynamic 130/30 fund. As a result, the merged funds will be re-named the JPMorgan US Equity Plus Fund. This merger will affect the following products: Kudos and PIMS. Click on this story for further details.

Fund Closure – Invesco Sterling Reserve - Published: 03 May 2012

The board of directors of Invesco Global Asset Management Limited have decided to close their Invesco Sterling Reserve Fund on 10 July 2012. As the size of the fund has reduced to a level significantly below the threshold set out in the fund prospectus they feel that it is no longer viable, or in the best interests of shareholders, to continue running the fund. The change affects the following guided-architecture products: Preference and Kudos. Affected policyholders have been written to.