Fund Factsheet

This is a summary document produced for an individual investment fund by the fund provider. It contains a large amount of information, however in an easy to read and digestible format. It is usually around 2 or 3 pages long and for most daily trading funds will be updated and published once a month.
It contains some key information; investment objective, portfolio details such as top ten holdings, fund size, charges and past performance statistics.
Although past performance may not be repeated and should not be used as a guide to future performance, it does give investors an indication of the funds’ history and how well a fund manager has performed through different market conditions.
When choosing a fund you need to gauge whether it has the potential to return the performance you are seeking, so if the fund does not produce a Key Investor Information Document (“KIID”) then this is a useful document to read alongside the Prospectus before choosing to put your money into the fund. The Factsheet can be obtained directly from the fund provider, and in most cases will be published on their website.
For RL360’s savings and investment products, the fund provider Factsheet can be obtained from the product-specific online fund centre. We also produce a RL360 branded daily factsheet within our interactive fund centre that contains similar information and can be used instead of, or in addition to, the fund provider version.