RL360 Invesment Guides have Risk Ratings

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Risk Ratings added to product Investment Guides

To aid you in fund selection and portfolio creation for your clients, weve now added 'risk ratings' to our guided architecture fund ranges Quantum, Oracle, Paragon and LifePlan.

The risk ratings use a scale ranging between 1 and 7 (1 being lower risk, potentially lower reward, and 7 being higher risk, potentially higher reward). You’ll find the ratings listed in both the product Investment Guides, which provide all the core information you need when selecting funds for your clients, and on the monthly adviser and quarterly client fund performance bulletins.


How is the risk rating determined?

The ratings provided are those as published in the fund’s Key Investor Information Document (KIID) which is produced by each fund group for funds with UCITS* status. Please note that where a fund does not have UCITS status a rating will not be available.


The KIID rating is calculated based upon the historic volatility of each individual fund over a 5 year period. In all cases there is no guarantee that a fund’s risk reward rating will remain the same, and may be re-categorised in the future. A low rated fund does not mean it is risk-free. Ratings in the guide will be reviewed periodically and updated to reflect any changes the fund manager has made.


* UCITS: Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities are a set of European Union directives that aim to allow collective investment schemes to operate freely throughout the EU on the basis of a single authorisation from one member state.


Our Investment Guides, which reflect the current fund ranges, are now PDF only and have been updated accordingly. Please download the October 2012 Investment Guides to ensure you have the latest version:


October 2012 Investment Guides: 




