Matthews Asia - Sinology

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Matthews Asia - Sinology

Matthews Asia is an independent investment management firm focused solely on investing in Asia. They specialise in actively managed, bottom-up portfolio management, with a focus on generating long-term investment performance.

Is China Tanking?

Chinese equities have been soft and President Trump is threatening a trade war, leading to some jitters about the state of the economy. But new macro data for the second quarter reflect that economic fundamentals and corporate earnings in China remain strong.


Key Points:


  • Chinese equities may be soft, but industrial earnings and margins remain firm, and China is still the world’s best consumer story.
  • There is a high probability that Xi Jinping and Trump will resolve the bilateral tariff dispute in the fall, but if I’m wrong and it escalates into a real trade war, the impact on the Chinese economy and majority of Chinese companies will not be dramatic.


Learn more about the Matthews Asia - Asia Dividend Fund
Learn more about the Matthews Asia - Pacific Tiger Fund
Learn more about the Matthews Asia - Japan Fund
Learn more about the Matthews Asia - India Fund



Andy Rothman

Investment Strategist

Matthews Asia

July 2018

Please note that these are the views of Andy Rothman for Matthews Asia and should not be interpreted as the views of RL360.

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A range of Matthews Asia funds can be accessed through our guided architecture products Oracle, Paragon, Quantum, Quantum Malaysia, LifePlan, LifePlan Lebanon, Protected Lifestyle Lebanon and Protected Lifestyle, and also through our PIMS portfolio bond.