RL360 accepts scanned dealing instruction forms by email

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RL360 accepts scanned dealing instruction forms by email

You can now email your scanned dealing instruction forms to us.

Previously you have only been able to email dealing instruction forms via our secure portal. This requirement has been removed so you can now simply email them to us at:


dealinginstructions@rl360.com for PIMS and Global Investor policies


switchinginstructions@rl360.com for Quantum, Oracle and Regular Savings Plan policies


Please only use these addresses for dealing instructions. We have updated our dealing and switch forms to reflect this new arrangement.


We still require original signatures on the standard dealing instruction form and cannot accept electronic signatures. The form must be attached to the email as a PDF document (one attachment per policy). You don’t need to post the original forms to us.


We have also set up new email addresses for dealing related queries too. You can send these to:


dealingenquiries@rl360.com for PIMS and Global Investor policies


switchingenquiries@rl360.com for Quantum, Oracle and Regular Savings Plan policies


Please only use these addresses for enquiries


We will always acknowledge safe receipt of an emailed dealing instruction. If you don’t receive one your instruction may not have reached us so it’s very important that you contact us if you don’t receive one.