Proposed fund name change and fee reduction: Guinness Funds

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Proposed change to fund name and reduction in fees – Various Guinness Funds

Guinness Asset Management has proposed various changes to funds in its fund range, which will take effect from 7 December 2020.

Impacts on
these defined fund range products

Impacts on
open architecture products including

  • PIMS
  • Choice
  • Select

Funds available in our open-architecture products

Various funds from Guinness Asset Management feature in our open-architecture products and will be subject to changes detailed in the Guinness notification documents opposite.


Funds available in our guided-architecture products

The Guinness Global Energy fund and the Guinness Global Innovators fund can be found in our defined fund range products Oracle, Paragon, Quantum, Quantum Malaysia, Regular Savings Plan and Regular Savings Plan Malaysia. 


Guinness have notified us that the Guinness Global Energy fund B will be renamed to Guinness Global Energy fund C. A summary of the change to the fund name is detailed in the table below. 


Guinness have also advised that the Global Innovators fund will receive a reduced OCF detailed in the below table. 


You can view a copy of the Guinness notification documents opposite. 


Current fund nameNew fund name
Guinness Global Energy Fund B

Guinness Global Energy Fund C


Fund name & OCFFund name & new OCF

Guinness Global Innovators Fund C Acc GBP (1.99%) 

Guinness Global Innovators Fund C Acc EUR (1.99%) 

Guinness Global Innovators Fund C Acc USD (1.99%)

Guinness Global Innovators Fund C Acc GBP (1.92%) 

Guinness Global Innovators Fund C Acc EUR (1.92%) 

Guinness Global Innovators Fund C Acc USD (1.92%)




For more information about Guinness visit
