MFS Investment Management - A rolling selection of articles related to the Coronavirus
We feature a selection of articles produced by MFS Investment Management. More articles are available on the MFS Resource Centre.

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Week in Review: Market Brightens on Signs of Recovery - 14/08/20
A review of the week's top global economic and capital markets news.
The Case for (Eventual) Inflation - 12/08/20
Erik Weisman assesses the potential for a medium-term shift in the inflation backdrop.
Week in Review: US Unemployment Falls Despite July Virus Surge - 07/08/20
A review of the week's top global economic and capital markets news.
The Impact of Coronavirus on Higher Education - 04/08/20
MFS fixed income research analysts explore how the pandemic may affect enrollment and what colleges and universities may feel the greatest impact.
Week in Review: Markets Tread Water as US Case Count Jumps - 10/07/20
A review of the week's top global economic and capital markets news.
Week in Review: New COVID Cases Slow Reopening Push - 26/06/20
A review of the week's top global economic and capital markets news.
MFS Institutional Investor Compass - Sustainable Investing - 15/06/20
To create value responsibly for investors, MFS must understand the unique challenges institutional investors face, the objectives they’re trying to achieve and the way they think about asset management. Now in its fifth year of publication, the MFS Institutional Investor Compass survey continues to provide a lens into the mindset of these institutional decision makers — summarizing their views and sentiment towards asset allocation, the role of active management, product/strategy implementation and a variety of other timely issues. The survey reports on the responses from over 500 of the largest institutional investors in North America, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region.
Volatility Returns - 12/06/20
A review of the week's top global economic and capital markets news.
Risk Rally Extends as US Labor Market Bounces Back - 05/06/20
A review of the week's top global economic and capital markets news.
The UN SDGs Impact on Capital Allocation - June 2020
We discuss the impact, applicability and materiality of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals on long-term investment and asset allocation decisions.
Free Falling: The Market's Race to the Bottom - June 2020
The latest market downturn was the fastest in history. Learn about the historical context of this drop in this Investment Insights from the Investment Solutions Group.
A More Traditional Approach to Low Carbon Investing - May 2020
A review of the week's top global economic and capital markets news.
Markets Lifted by Vaccine Hopes, Reopening - 22/05/20
A review of the week's top global economic and capital markets news.
Investing Through the Cycle: How Stocks Have Reacted After Bear Markets - 12/05/20
We analyze the long-term durability of the stock market following periods of significant drawdowns.
There Is Equity-Like Opportunity in Credit Markets, but Selectivity Will Be Key - April 2020
Brian Mastrullo, Brad Rutan and Rob Almeida analyze selected equity-like opportunities in the credit market in our latest Investment Insight.
Breaking a Glass Is Easy; Putting It Back Together Is Hard - April 2020
Erik Weisman and Rob Almeida discuss what the US economy and financial markets might look like post-crisis in their latest Market Insight.
Economic Data Grim but Investors Looking Ahead - 17/04/2020
A review of the week's top global economic and capital markets news.
Market Knowns and Unknowns - 16/04/2020
Rob Almeida and Erik Weisman analyze various market knowns and unknowns for the current recession and the future recovery in this latest Strategist's Corner.
10 Principles of Long-Term Investing Resilience - 13/04/2020
It's hard to stay calm when you're bombarded by news about the economy and market. Anxiety about your portfolio can creep in. So how do you keep calm when market volatility heats up? By considering the 10 Principles of Long-Term Investing With Resilience.
The Two Faces of Dislocation : Liquidity and Solvency - 09/04/2020
The economic impact of the COVID-19 health crisis and the response of policymakers can be viewed through the lens of liquidity and solvency. For investors with a longer time horizon, market selloffs such as these provide investment opportunities for active managers. Assets are cheaper: valuations are favorable.
Looking at Equity Markets Through an Earnings Lens - Part II - 02/04/2020
Rob Almeida and Erik Weisman continue their assessment of the equity markets through an earnings lens, notably during a recovery, in their latest Market Insight. In their view, when thinking about today’s approximate fair value levels for the equity market, investors face two challenges. The first is assessing the impact of the current global recession on earnings. The second, and the focus of this piece, is on the pace of the recovery. Ultimately, this is what forward-looking investors will put a multiple on.
Looking at Equity Markets Through an Earnings Lens - 25/03/2020
Rob Almeida and Erik Weisman assess the equity markets through an earnings lens in their latest Market Insight. Stock prices in the near term react to economic news, politics and macro events, but ultimately the pricing of risky assets reflects corporate earnings expectations. The market’s historic decline up to this point, in terms of both magnitude and speed, stems from the anticipation of a significant earnings recession given the demand shock and evaporation of capital access brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. This abrupt shift is far from typical.
Panic is the Enemy - 24/03/2020
COVID-19 is leading to unprecedented economic destruction across the world. While the human and financial cost will be enormous, periods of dislocation also present investment opportunities. Investors will need patience and a longer time horizon to benefit.
Prepare For a Deep Recession - 20/03/2020
Rob Almeida and Erik Weisman analyze the potential depth of the coronarvirus impact in this special market insight.
Diversification Helps You Balance Risk and Return - March 2020
Many investors opt for bonds over stocks to try to avoid market volatility and capital losses. But doing so may mean missing out on some of the market's best opportunities. In fact, over the past 30 years stocks have clearly outpaced both fixed-income investments and inflation and delivered impressive returns for long-term investors.
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