Schroders - Global developments in sustainability regulation and policy Q4 2024

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Schroders - Global developments in sustainability regulation and policy Q4 2024



Highlights from the latest sustainability policy milestones that are shaping the investment industry.


The quarterly regulation update outlines the key developments in sustainability regulation globally. The primary focus is on sustainability policy milestones as well as consultations that will result in rules shaping the investment industry in the future.


For the fourth quarter of 2024, the key updates for the UK include the consultation on a UK Green Taxonomy, draft legislation for ESG ratings providers, and the intention to consult on streamlined sustainability disclosures for economically significant companies.


In the EU, important developments include the publication of the EU Platform on Sustainable Finance's report proposing new product categories under the SFDR, and ESMA's Q&A on fund naming guidelines related to sustainability terms. Additionally, the formal adoption of the amended text of the EU Deforestation Regulation is noteworthy, as it postpones the application dates for both large corporates and small and mid-sized companies.



📄 Read full report for more details on these and other global developments.




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March 2025

Please note that these are the views of Schroders and should not be interpreted as the views of RL360.


Sara Scanlan

Business Analyst, Public Policy

March 2025

Please note that these are the views of Schroders and should not be interpreted as the views of RL360.

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