Education Planning | RL360 Regular Savings Plan

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Education Planning


We all know a good education is an essential part of any child's development, which will heavily influence their adult life. 


Unfortunately, an exceptional college education can be expensive, especially if children wish to study abroad. Tuition fees, course costs, accommodation, transportation and general living costs can all mount up. However, with our Regular Savings Plan, your clients can provide the financial support required, allowing their children to: 


  • Focus on their studies rather than worrying about student debt
  • Reduce or remove the burden of debt as they transition into the workplace
  • Understand the importance of how financial planning can provide for the future


Education Fee Calculator

This calculator allows you to estimate the future cost of school/university fees based on the information inserted below.

Total cost:

*Total CostGBP 0

*Total Cost - This is the total estimated cost in future money terms required to fund private schooling/university.

Our Regular Savings Plan is designed for investors looking to save over the medium to long term.

Total cost:

*Total CostGBP 0

*Total Cost - This is the total estimated cost in future money terms required to fund private schooling/university.