Good things come to those who click
Online switching and dealing across all of your clients plans, both new and old, has arrived. It is the fastest, most reliable and secure method to change your clients asset mix. Once you have logged onto our Online Service Centre, performing trades is only a click or two away.
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Online switching and dealing in more detail

Any plan, any time, anywhere
Once you have been granted online switching and dealing rights, you will be able perform deals and switches on every plan you can access via the Online Service Centre (assuming your company is also the investment adviser). As long as you have internet access, you can request switches and deals at any time, from anywhere in the world. No more waiting for confirmation that a fax has been received.

Available to investment advisers or clients
If your client likes to do their own dealing and switching they can be provided with access to the system. The only thing to be aware of is that only you or your client can hold online switching or dealing rights for a given plan at any one time.

Over 10,000+ active assets
A vast number of assets can be bought and sold online via our dealing service for PIMS plans. There are currently 10,000+ assets you can buy and sell. Depending on the type of asset you are looking to trade there may still be times when our dealing team need to step-in, but they are just a phone call away.
Every fund available to our various guided-architecture plans is available to switch online.

Instant notifications and progress tracking
Using the dealing home screen or switch history screens, you can stay up-to-date with the progress of all your transactions. For each of your assigned plans we will send you updates via your online mailbox and remind you about these using your registered email address.
You'll also be able to recall a contract note for any deal past or present using the completed transactions tab (portfolio bonds only).