A range of your questions answered in relation to setting up and accessing our Online Service Centre (OSC).
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Questions and Answers
Q Can my clients register for the OSC if they haven’t already provided RL360 with a valid email address?
A No - we must hold a valid email address on our systems before your client can register. If you believe our records are out of date, please send us an instruction signed by the client with details of their new email address. Once we have updated our records your client will be able to register for the OSC.
Q Can I change my Username?
A No - your Username is automatically generated when you register for the OSC and is unique to you. This will be your Username for the duration of your time with RL360.
Q Can I place deals and or switch funds on my clients plan via the OSC?
A Yes - provided that you have been appointed as the investment adviser and your clients plan allows dealing and or fund switching via the OSC. If you or the company you work for are not already set up on the OSC to be able to provide this service, you will be required to complete the relevant Switching and dealing authorisation form.
Plan owners can also register to place deals and or switch funds via the OSC but only if they haven't appointed an investment adviser to act on their behalf.
Click here for more information on Switching and Dealing.
Q Can I log into my account if I am travelling?
A Yes – the OSC is available 24/7 and can be accessed from anywhere in the world as long as you have internet access. Please ensure that both your login and password credentials are secure and that you are using a trusted and secure network.
Q Who do I contact if my account is locked?
A Please contact the account administrator in your agency who will be able to reset your password. Alternatively you can contact the RL360 web support team by email: websupport@rl360.com or by phone +44 (0)1624 681685 (Monday – Friday 8am – 6pm GMT).
Q Why can't I find my clients plan details?
A The most common reason is that you have not been given access to the plan. Please contact your account administrator who will be able to grant you access. If you require further help, please contact the RL360 web support team by email: websupport@rl360.com or by phone +44 (0)1624 681685 (Monday – Friday 8am – 6pm GMT).
Q What should I do if I experience problems with downloading documents from the OSC?
A There may be a number of reasons causing this problem such as a slow internet connection causing downloads to timeout, or popup blockers which might stop content or downloads from loading. Where you have a slow internet connection, pausing other downloads or trying again later might fix this issue. If you believe the popup blocker is the cause of the problem, your browser will normally issue a notification about this which you will usually see by the URL/address bar.
Alternatively you can contact the RL360 web support team by email: websupport@rl360.com or by phone +44 (0)1624 681685 (Monday – Friday 8am – 6pm GMT).
Q What browsers do you support?
A We currently support the latest version of all the major internet browsers such as Chrome, Internet Explorer, Edge, Firefox, Safari, and Opera. It is recommended you keep your browser up-to-date with the latest version.
Q Is there an app I can download?
A Yes – we currently have an iPad app for financial advisers that allows them to complete digital applications offline. The app also allows the adviser to capture additional documentary evidence using the iPad camera and record the client’s signature when completing the application.
All documents can then be submitted electronically to RL360 resulting in a reduction in the time it takes to process and issue the business. In addition, the app removes the requirement for advisers to submit original paper copies as part of the application process so postage and courier costs will be significantly reduced as a result.